Pool Barrier Assesments (Consulation)

Not sure your pool or spa is compliant? Pool barrier initial assessment will conduct a thorough assessment of the pool safety barrier and provide affordable and performance solutions to meet the requirements of Australian standards. During the site assessment, we can answer any questions you may have on the pool fencing requirements and also offer verbal advice on the most cost-effective and aesthetic ways of erecting or reworking a barrier so that it meets the safety principles.

Pool Barrier Compliance Inspections (Form 23)

These inspections include thoroughly examining your swimming pool to ensure it meets all relevant standards. A Compliance Certificate (Form 23) will be issued If your safety barriers are compliant for you to lodge with the Council. If your pool does not meet the safety regulations, we will provide a report on our findings. Our experts will recognize the safety breaches and advise you on how to rectify such issues. We will give you 60 days to fix the issues.

Re-inspection (If Required)

Re- Inspections required for pools and spas that were not compliant and were given 60 days to fix non-compliant elements.